San Gerardo is best known for the fabled Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno) bird as well as a highland avifauna composed of a large number of endemic species of the Talamanca range of Western Panama and Eastern Costa Rica. These mountains are like an oceanic island separated from other highlands area by the low lands of the Darien region of Panama and the lowlands of Nicaragua. The Flora is also very interesting and composted of many endemic species.
For 2021, concluded that Quetzal Valley has 167 species of birds, a considerable amount in a high elevation destination. So while quetzals are our biggest attraction, bird lovers will be rewarded with a wide range of endemic species. See all of our birds here. To enjoy this natural wonderland we maintain trails of more than 1.0 km. of exclusive frontage along the Savegre River where one can visit water falls and observe birds such as the American Dipper and Torrent Tyrannulet. Other trails of more than 3 km lead through the Cloud Oak Forest up toward the Cerro de la Muerte, the highest peak (3491 m) on the Interamerican Highway where the Volcano Junco is common. |